arrange in order
New UI dual-language micro-cap system / military armaments micro-trading commission to buy / agent background / anti-blocking verification
Front-end UI two open military products trading, new dual-language, home anti-blocking verification
Multi-language exchange/coin leveraged contract trading/pledge mining/otc lending/blockchain exchange
The source code is separated from the front and back end, the front and back end are vue source code, api end is thinkphp framework
New Chow Tai Fook Micro UI two open version / single control full control + change order / front-end html + back-end PHP
This set in addition to the UI beautification over, but also the second open the function of the change order, control added full control, other not much change, k line are normal, we got it also fixed a few small bugs ~ Although the programme has a multi-language option, but the second open they did not add it, so the program only...
Micro trading system source code
Microtransaction system source code Not yet tested No tutorials do not know the specific deployment environment
Overseas operating version of the exchange system / U-bit / options trading / mining / exchange / full currency K-line control
新版海外交易所系统全新开发无需ES繁琐安装,全币种可控制自定义生成K线 前端vue开发,后端php全开源带源码教程(PC端编译后) 系统功能:币币交易、U本位合约、期权交易、挖矿、兑换等功能
前端代码技术栈:Vue后端代码技术栈:NodeJS+MongoDB+RedisiOS、安卓非原生App,使用的是 WebView 混合 App移动端,PC 端,Api server,订单结算中心,行情中心,网站后台,代理商后台,钱包,...
前端UI重新定制,支持DAPP钱包自动注册登陆 手机uniapp开发带源码,后端laravel框架,源码全开源带教程
测试环境:Linux系统CentOS7.6、宝塔面板、Nginx、PHP7.3、MySQL5.6,根目录public,伪静态thinkPHP,开启ssl证书 语言:12种:中文简体、中文繁体、英文、泰语、韩语、印尼语、越南语、日语、...
前端全新定制,uniapp开发带多语言:中文、英文、越南语、泰语 后端PHP的thinkphp框架全开源带前端源码 新增实名认证、银行卡认证、赠送余额
此套28源码为全新开发前端使用vue开发 前端支持中英繁三种语言,自带原生客服系统,还有游客体验模式 整体体验比以前任何一套老框架的28游戏都要好! 后端使用finadmin框架全新改写,系统支持us...